Normally, you get a phone number only when you pay for a phone landline service, when you activate a cell phone or SIM card, or when you register for a VoIP service. Your number will be displayed at the top of the screen, along with its area/international code. You’ll see it in the fifth grouping of items.Step 3, View your phone number. If you don’t see it on your home screen, check in a folder called 'Utilities.'Step 2, Scroll down and tap Phone.
Breaking this rule will incur a 2-week ban, followed by a permanent ban for repeat offenders. How do I find out my phone number without a SIM card Get a Free Phone Number With Google Voice. Its the app with gray cogs on one of your home screens. Do not discriminate against or abuse other members. Then browse for the number at the top of the screen. The steps below will help you find your phone number in the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.
Furthermore, posts that are generic AppleWatch band/case combinations, common AppleWatch configurations or AppleWatch boxes should not be posted. The fastest way to determine your iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus phone number is by going to the settings of your smartphone. Common/Frequent Post Do not post screenshots of short activities, such as 10-minute walks.You can also find the number in iTunes, if you plug the iPhone into your computer. You can find the phone number on the iPhone itself in a couple of different places, like in its Settings or Contacts. If you believe a blog you have linked to is not of low quality, message the moderators. There are a few ways to find the phone number associated with an iPhone. Do not post links where you stand something to gain. No advert-laden, untrusted, or otherwise malicious websites and news sources. No blog spam/low quality blog links/referral links.

YouTube creators and developers may post their content on Self-Promotion Saturday. All promotional content must disclose any paid sponsorships. Explicit moderator approval must be received to post giveaways or other content that is promotional. Spam, such as promotional content designed purely for commercial purposes, cannot be posted. Usually it is the account number, with maybe a few numbers added, or it is just listed on the bill. Also, in many cases, when you dial your voicemail, it dials your own number. c) Low effort activity threads (image of a workout, a badge, etc) must be posted in the Joined the Club megathread. The phone number should be in the phone itself, in the 'Settings' under 'About Phone'.

b) Non-Question posts must foster reasonable discussion. App recommendations questions should be posted in the Joined the Club Megathread. a) No low effort submissions or duplicate posts of recent submissions (past 2 weeks). Non-question posts must foster discussion.Submissions must be about Apple Watch or Apple Watch related accessories/topics. Posts must be relevant to the subreddit.Include your watchOS version, iOS version, a clear explanation of the issue, and Steps taken to resolve so far. All support posts must contain in the submission title. Do not post images of broken watches without a second purpose (a story, support request, etc). Please ensure your My Watch post is clear and well-lit (unless it's a choice), is not a standard configuration (combos you can buy from Apple), and, if possible, provide more than one angle/shot. No Low Quality/Standard Configuration My Watch posts.Hide My Watch Posts Show My Watch Posts FAQ Rules