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The idea that killing a living being might be a solution to the problem of suffering runs counter to the Buddhist emphasis on dukkha as a reality.


Instead, I want to offer some general observations about terrorism and tragedy and then, from a Buddhist perspective, to begin reflecting on our broad strategies for responding to them and to the realization of our individual and collective vulnerability.ģ7 Pages - (221 KB) - Free Can Killing a Living Being Ever Be an Act of Compassion? The analysis of the act of killing in the Abhidhamma and Pali Commentaries - Rupert Gethin In the Early Buddhist exegetical tradition, the notion that intentionally killing a living being is wrong involves a claim that certain mental states are present in the mind. Hershock My intention is not to analyze the complex geopolitics of the 'war on terror.' Neither is it to critically assess either specific policy decisions or their effects on the quality of daily life and civil liberties. 18 Pages - (287 KB) - Free From Vulnerability to Virtuosity: Buddhist Reflections on Responding to Terrorism and Tragedy — Peter D. In 'Sangha at the Crossroads' he explores the problems that young monks face in finding a meaningful role in today's rapidly changing world. 'The changing face of Buddhism' opens with the question why, in traditional Buddhist countries, Buddhism today is losing its appeal to the young, on its way to becoming little more than a fossilized expression of ethnic culture in attempting to answer this question he proposes some new lines of emphasis that might help to reverse this trend. 'A Buddhist Model for Economic and Social Development' continues the argument by highlighting the economic, social, and ecological costs of industrial-growth society, sketching a more 'people-friendly' alternative based on Buddhist values. The elements of Pali can be mastered in a few months, Pali opens one's ears to the Dhamma and the music of the Buddha's speech. It was the language current in the land of Magadha during the time of the Buddha. Narada, Thera - 234 Pages - (820 KB) - Free From the Preface: The word Pali means 'the Text', though it has now come to be the name of a language. It does this by discussing the Buddha's accounts of his own Awakening, with special focus on the way in which the principle of skillful kamma (in Sanskrit, karma) formed both the 'how' and the 'what' of that Awakening: The Buddha was able to reach Awakening only by developing skillful kamma - this is the 'how' his understanding of the process of developing skillful kamma is what sparked the insights that constituted Awakening - this is the 'what.' Learn Pali - The Canonical Language of Early Buddhism. The Introduction tries to define the concept of Awakening so as to give a clear sense of where the Wings to Awakening are headed.

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It provides the reader not with a mere enumeration of Pali terms and their English equivalents, but offers precise and authentic definitions and explanations of canonical and post-canonical terms and doctrines, based on the Suttas, Abhidhamma and the Commentaries. Nyanatiloka Pali Studies This is an authentic dictionary of Buddhist doctrinal terms, used in the Pali Canon and its Commentaries. 402 Pages - (1.5 MB) - Free Pali Buddhist Dictionary 4th Edition — Ven. An excellent reference work which gives an overview of the Pali Buddhist texts.

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The Tipitaka includes all the teachings of the Buddha, grouped into three divisions: the Suttanta Pitaka, or general discourses the Vinaya Pitaka, or moral code for monks and nuns and the Abhidhamma Pitaka, or philosophical teachings. This is a unique work, as it is probably the only material that deals in outline with the whole of the Pali Buddhist Tipitaka. The Guide to the Tipitaka is an outline of the Pali Buddhist Canonical Scriptures of Theravada Buddhism from Burma. 156 Pages - (637 KB) - Free Guide to Tipitaka — Compiled by U Ko Lay. It contains 17 chapters dealing with most of the relevant topics on Buddhism, such as: Life of the Buddha, Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Noble Path, Dependent Origin, Law of Kamma, Death and Rebirth, Five Destinations, World Cycles when Buddhas Appear, Ten Bases of Meritorious Action, Buddhist Vipassana Meditation, Recollection of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha and the Three Baskets (Tipitaka) in Buddhism. This new book entitled “Buddhism Course” is a carefully researched and updated version. Chan Khoon San Over the last few years, several readers have indicated to me that the articles in the Introductory Course in Buddhism were too brief and should be expanded to provide more details. “An Introductory Course in Early Buddhism' (Buddhism Course) - by Bro.

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This ebook is an indispensable companion for anyone trying to apply the Buddha's gentle message to their daily life. Presented so that one reading can be reflected upon each day of the year.

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